Maytag Moments maybe

We’re getting closer to the all-new format.  Note somewhere on the left is a place to respond.  You write, and PJ or I will respond. Once again: I don’t have the picture format figured out.  If there is a picture, it will stand alone without text wrapping. (Maybe.) Sorry, but there shouldn’t be any text written over the pictures anymore. I think this will be easier on my typing since I am using DRAGON dictation about 80% of the time. I hope to get these out at least once a week.  I don’t want it to be a drudgery for your reading. At the same time, many of you have expressed an interest in us and how we are coping with PD and managing (or not) to keep on a relatively even keel with our lives. Your suggestions and comments are so welcome. There’s probably a way to make your remarks private, too.  I’ll check with my webmaster (Julie) on that.

02.28.2020: 0500: I had a good rest last night.  PD people develop erratic sleep habits, they say. Testing 123. (Dragon works better if I turn it on.) My sleep habits have certainly been strange: I’ve had occasion to get up at 0500, go back to bed at 0700, and sleep for another two hours. 0800: it’s now three hours later, and I just realized that I fixed and ate my breakfast early. PJ is still asleep! We usually eat breakfast together. I’ll have a food bar with her.

Did I mention (yes!) that I made my goal at Friday’s league shoot. 202/300.  First time I broke 200!

02.29.2020 PJ is up.  We walked Udall Park trails for the first time this year!   2250 steps. Slow, but steady for both of us.  I took her to Jerry Bob’s for a poached egg breakfast. We have been cleaning out old files. (all afternoon)  Once we get the tax stuff cleared with our CPA, I’m going to work on the PROOF of our short story, so I can publish an electronic version.  Kindles or other tablets don’t use page numbers, for instance.  There’s nothing wrong with the story, but I need to work on the format. It’ll be good to get back to CIP (Creating in Progress).  I have characters and scenes bouncing around in my head that I haven’t put down yet. We spent the evening reading; PJ is reading Outlander (to match the story onTV) on her Kindle; I’m reading Arizona Highways. Remember to say RABBIT for tomorrow, March first.

03.01.2020: 0430: Did you remember to say RABBIT?  I’ll bet some of you did. A few of you might have lifted up the covers (after you yelled RABBIT, of course) and crawled out the bottom of your bed. With PJ lying next to me, there is no way I would dare do that!

We have an overcast sky. It’s supposed to get up to 70º.  Alexa is playing music for Tai Chi.

First peach tree flower on the First of March, 2020. I can almost smell it.

PJ sat in the backyard while I shot five ends for practice.  Each time the P-38 flew over, I had to stop and watch it with my binocs. (That’s my excuse for shooting so poorly.)

Your responses:  I get a notice when you write!  That’s good.  Now I can answer. A couple more items, and we’ll be off and running.

We have received many positive responses of encouragement about our new format.


03.02.2020: PANIC!  I thought I lost this file. As you can see, I found it. Must have pushed the wrong button.  Now, I can get back to work.

 1030: Took PJ to our PCP with a UTI.  We had brunch at the BBC while we waited for the prescription.  Then home to finish the laundry only to have the dryer pop and quit! It is at least 40 years old.  What can I expect? Julie is bringing some chicken soup for us for dinner after she picks up Sabrina from school.  Julie has her own scheduling challenges. Somewhere around 1400, we visited our CPA.  That took an hour. (Our problem is that we have too much free time.  We need more exercise. Ha!) Watched THE VOICE. I enjoy the banter between the judges as much as the contestants singing.

03.03.2020: Must have sprinkled last night. The Matrix windshield is spotted.

Shot this picture of clouds over the Catalinas

0915: We had a fifteen-minute window to see our PCP (again today).  We made it with one minute to spare. It was for me, this time. Five-seconds of an erratic heartbeat. (Dr. AudreyNote. this is the first time since the erotic episode at St. Joeseph’s Hospital.) I am now taking Cal-Mag vitamins.

1400: Parkinson’s lecture on foods that help the body. As one might guess, Dairy isn’t too popular. They stress using plant-based foods.

03.04.2020: 0730: PT with Tresha.  I felt like I responded better to her directions today.  Two of the stretching units were new, and they helped my legs. I’ll add them to my tasks each morning. Picked up some groceries on the way home. 1330: Practiced archery at the club for forty minutes. No picture-worthy results.

03.05.2020: 0500: Up and writing. Tai Chi for me this morning. We were in concentric circles facing each other most of the time.  Not watching the mirrors this time. PJ had to stay and supervise the house cleaners. I’m typing on the keyboard without the Dragon. No tremor this morning!

1430: Target practice. Ivan looked over my shoulder and made some suggestions about my pulling.  I hold the trigger release pointed down.  He suggested  twisting it to the right. I was grouping tightly to the left. Now two out of three are tighter to the right. I shot 45 arrows and didn’t notice much in the way of a tremor.  Friday, I shoot for score. Once again, my goal is to break 202/300.

03.06.2020: 0630: Clear and 62º. Penstemons are blooming in our front yard. The hummingbirds will be happy. 1330: Ah, my dear friends and readers: Archery was a bust today. Greg shot with me. My first three practice ends scored in the high 20s. When I started for the official scoring, I got a 13/30,14/30 and 16/30 for my first three ends.  I finished with a final score of 171/300. (No pictures.) I have much practicing to do this coming week before the final shoot. Am I having fun? Of course. But, I want my coach to be proud of the score.  Am I satisfied? Of course not. I owe my coach (and me) a higher score. Practice, Sam.

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