1330-1700: Typed 1200 words for my next story. Thanks to Harvey and Ray Bradbury for reminding me that my job is to write.  I have two projects, actually: write another short story (maybe a novel) and work on memoirs of my mother and a collection of her writings (a major effort).

I sent out the draft (UN-edited) by accident. I should give you a prize for how many mistakes you find.

We watched THE VOICE and voted. They had specialists from SONGLAND helping them smooth out their original songs. Tuesday, we’ll find out who won. They all should win.  The finalists are excellent.

05.19.0445: Up and starting the laundry. I know: You think we are crazy for clean. Swombo only changes three or four outfits each day.  She always dresses formally for dinner. One dinner was grilled chicken and cheese sandwiches with a side of vegetables.  I won’t explain. 0600: Practiced shooting. Ten ends in thirty minutes while it is cool. Here’s the score: I’m consistently missing one shot, as you can tell. Finished at 0630.  We’re going for a walk.

Helena: I need you here to glue this broken pot. This should be easy – only four pieces.


I had two ZOOM meetings today: ALOHA and The Parkinson’s Support Group. One right after the other.

1700: Spent an hour taking a Michael J Fox survey (Insight) on the computer.

1800: Dinner and watching THE VOICE.  I had to record it.  We were so tired that we only watched the first ten minutes and went to bed an hour earlier than usual.

05.20.2020. 0500: There is a certain luxury in being able to go back to bed and not having to follow a schedule.  Our first appointment is at 1000. for PJ’s PT at Body Central. I got up, anyway. I want to practice while it’s cool.

0630 – 0700: Practicing: Score:

That’s more like it!  I need to stay in the 200 bracket. The next goal is to break 250/300.

The score isn’t the same as writing. If getting 300 out of 300 was the goal for writing, I could accomplish that in ten minutes.

0830: PJ is up and exercising. She’s getting ready for her PT at 1000. After the PT,  we ran a couple of errands. I got home for lunch. I thought  I had a three-hour block of time to write from 1300 on. Instead, I had four hours of interruptions. Better luck, tomorrow. I’m going to fix dinner. Only one appointment tomorrow: A Webinar on PD at 1000. I should be able to write.

Ran two errands. I bought some feed cylinders for the birds, our in-home, back yard entertainment.

We finally watched the ending of THE VOICE,




 Thanks for the present in this morning’s e-mail.

I’m looking forward to reading.

That’s a fine cover, by the way.

Thanks again,

Dan Baldwin

Thanks, Dan. My next one might be about Mt. Lemmon and astronomy. (Maybe) Sam

And the good news is 0650: Phyllis walked 2,083 steps this morning!  It’s the longest walk we’ve made at Udall. That’s about half the circle of Udall.  We came home and had breakfast.  After eating, she had an episode of seeing spots before her eyes. That is usually an indication of a drop in blood pressure. However, the reading said 120/82 which is generally what her morning readings are. She had a cool washrag on her head as she rested in her chair. PJ wound up sleeping for two hours.  She woke up feeling fine and (1045) slept for another hour.

I attended a Parkinson’s Webinar:

“I’ve Got Parkinson’s… Now What? Navigating a New Parkinson’s Diagnosis” WEBINAR LINK:  https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2342178/91773F286F3F72D3A6DB91C94586A11F?mode=login&email=samwriting76@gmail.com
EMAIL:  samwriting76@gmail.com

The webinar will be available to watch on-demand at the same link after the live webcast. Watch the full library of past webinars at www.michaeljfox.org/webinars.

I sent this information out to many of our friends, but I wanted to place it in MM for everyone to be sure that you get this.  It is worth hearing for the hour of information.  Whether you have PD or not, this will help you understand what is happening to me, and many of my friends, or any of your family, if they have PD.

PJ and I want to note a special tribute to Bev, who first noticed my shuffle, years before I thought anything about PD.

To Tresha, who said, “Sam, you need to see a Neurologist.” As you listen to this, know that Tresha is doing everything correctly with my Parkinson’s.  After listening to this webinar, we have our hand weights next to our chairs when we watch TV. We can look forward to the ads. PJ has two 3# weights; I have two 5# weights.

Also, there’s our dear friend, Chris who, when I was first diagnosed, said, “Sam, if you have a bucket list, do it now, while you still can. AND…join a Parkinson’s support group.” We belong to two groups plus the Michael J. Fox support system and the Davis Phinney Foundation.

What are my obvious symptoms? Balance and hand tremors. What is helping? Writing (for brain exercise), walking with PJ, Archery for balance and strength. Thanks to Larry, my archery coach, (whom I haven’t seen since February.) 1400: Swombo tracked my score. My score was 130/300. Nothing great about that, except that I practiced.

Which brings me to the act of writing as a form of exercise for the mind.  Of course, you are all keeping a journal during this giant episode, aren’t you? I hope so, if for no other reason than for your Descendents! There’s something to be said for writing for YOU, also. I’m curious: For you who don’t think you are writers, send us ONE sentence about this experience from your point of view.  Do it now. Just one sentence. If publicity bothers you, just put your first name.

“I’ll be glad when it’s over and know that all of our family and friends are safe.” PJ