A six-foot -thirteen-year-old archer

I must admit
I’m in
It happened
three days ago.
We met
in the doctor’s office.
Swombo is
and approves
knowing that
things like this happen
to men in their eighth decade.
She hopes it will be a short
but satisfying
I’m in love.
Her soft breath
brushing against
my lips warming
my heart.
Knowing that
my wife approves
means I can
breathe easier.
I’m in love
Prose Poem by Sam Turner ©2017- with a nod to Margaret Ann Adams

03.14.2020: 0530: While rummaging through some of my old poems, I came across this. I thought you’d enjoy it. Swombo is the nickname for Phyllis. Some of you may not know that it stands for SheWhoMustBeObeyed!
Yesterday, the person standing next to me target shooting was a six-foot thirteen-year-old. She plays the flute in Junior High. If she plays the flute, as well as she shoots, she will qualify for the honor symphonic orchestra. Not only that, Wesley, who is in the 5th grade with straight A’s, shoots in the 280s. And he’s not even six feet. (I don’t know if he plays the flute.) But age-wise, I have them both beat.
I spent the morning working on the end pages of my short story proof. I almost finished it. In the afternoon, we sat in the back yard and watched the birds.
03.15.2020: Tried watching the St. Francis Service on FaceBook. This is their first time to produce on-line. Many break-ups of the microphone. Many folks were writing in reporting about the quality. The program got progressively better. I’m sure they will get the kinks out by next week. I wonder why they used Facebook instead of YouTube?
I’m taking a break. It’s 70°. I think I’ll practice shooting for a while.
There’s something restful about sitting back in our chairs and looking up through the Acacia Tree.

1540: We did it again. PJ sat behind me (Wise safety measure.) while I shot 24 arrows @20 yards. For the fifth end, I sat with her and looked up again. I shot three more and called it quits for the day. I’m shooting high, scoring mostly in the blue. No class tomorrow, so I’ll shoot in the morning.

Note to my Retired Memorists in Cascades or BP: By now, you should have your suggested assignment.
Or, you can try this: Today, I’m grateful… Write for six minutes.

I’m going to publish this early just for you.

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